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(General Evolution and Evolutionary Knowledge:A Study of Evolutionary Epistemology)









The purpose of this dissertation is to give a wide-scoped introductionary analysis of the history of Evolutionary Epistemology (EE), a new philosophical school, and its major ideas suggested, relying upon the basic views of Marxist philosophy and having the intention to enrich and develop Marxist Epistemology with the ideas and material provided by EE.
First, there is an outline of the whole school of EE. Then the author gives a brief account of the origin and historical development of EE, yet which is hardly seen among EE documents. Much attention is paid also to the comparative study between hypothetical realism, the ontology of EE, and materialist monism, the ontology of Marxist epistemology. There are three chapters in the book to analyze human epistemic capacities from the different views of Evolutionary Epistemologists (Chapter 4), various philosophers in the history of Western philosophy (Chapter 5), and Marxists (Chapter 6). Next, some chapters are put into taking account of the evolutionary theory about the evolution of human knowledge, and suggest some characteristics of such an evolution. Lastly, the Conclusion gives some Marxist criticism on EE's major declarations, e.g., towards a 'new epistemology', towards a 'real Copernican Revolution', and so on.
EE makes a postulate of the existence of the outer world with the position of hypothetical realism (i.e. scientific realism). Then on the basis of general evolution of the cosmos, it emphasizes the evolution of human cognitive capacities, individual cognitive structures, the constructional nature of knowledge and the development of objective knowledge, etc. Because EE concentrates on cognitive capacities, it must rely on the methods of biological evolutionary theory. However, the question EE makes efforts to answer is why subjective structure of knowledge can fit the objective structure of the outer world. To give the right answer to this old philosophical question, EE considers human cognition as the result of the general evolution. EE claims that its point of view will take human being away from the center of the cosmos and therefore bring a Real Copernican Revolution to the philosophy field. At the same time, EE is trying to go towards the world of objective knowledge, which is the most important result from the general evolution. The most typical form of the evolution of knowledge is the changes of scientific theories. Thus, EE is characteristic of paying much attention to scientific theory changes. While expressing these ideas, EE mostly relies on Darwin's theory of selection and Popper's theory of trial and error. This is why EE has the name of Darwinism of Knowledge.
It is argued that the evolution of knowledge has been long ignored by Marxist Epistemology. This ignorance should not happen again if EE is taken seriously by Marxist practical materialism. Doing so is quite necessary for both standing on and developing Marxist Epistemology. If some ideas of EE are included into Marxist Epistemology, a new valuable thesis of study will come out in front of Marxist Epistemologists, i.e. according to Marxism, how to locate human knowledge in the chain of general evolution, and therefore how to avoid the mistakes of traditional epistemology that always put human being in the center of the cosmos? This is essential to survive in the times of knowledge and information.

目 录

第一章 导论:认识能力和客观知识的进化论解释
    -- 进化认识论的基本思想总述

第二章 进化认识论的兴起与演化
1. 康德问题的提出
2. 生物进化认识论对康德问题的尝试性解答
3. 心理进化认识论对认知能力的发生学考察
4. 完型意义上的进化认识论的产生
5. 值得关注的认识论新派别

第三章 假设实在论与唯物主义一元论
A、 知识的含义
B、 三种知识
C、 主体对认识的影响
A、 关于客体的预设
B、 关于主体的预设
C、 关于知识本身的预设
D、 实在性预设是最根本性的预设
3. 假设实在论的根据
4. 从辩证唯物主义一元论看假设实在论

第四章 人类认识能力的自然进化和社会文化进化
1. 人类认识能力是宇宙普遍进化的产物
2. 人类认知结构是宇宙进化到今天为止最高级的层次
3. 人类认知结构与外部结构的一致性
4. 人的"类理性装置"与"天赋观念"
5. 人类认知能力的生物进化与社会文化进化的相互作用
6. 个体认识能力形成的进化论模式

第五章 人类认识能力的自然进化和社会文化进化
1. 古希腊哲学家关于认识能力的假定
2. 近代经验论关于认识能力的假定
3. 近代唯理论关于认识能力的假定
4. 康德的先天形式说关于认识能力的假定
5. 黑格尔"精神胚胎学" 关于认识能力的假定
6. 现代西方哲学关于认识能力的假定
7. 进化认识论关于认识能力的学说同哲学史关于认识能力的假定之间的关系

第六章 人类认识能力的自然进化和社会文化进化
1. 人类认识能力是自然界长期发展的产物
2. 马克思主义认识论与进化认识论:两种不同的陈述方式
3. 社会实践(首先是劳动)是认识能力形成和发展的基础
4. 马克思主义认识论的"实践第一"原则与进化认识论的"中观宇宙"

第七章 从普遍进化到知识进化:知识进化的特征和规律
1. 客观知识世界在普遍进化链条上的位置
2. 客观知识自身的进化
3. 知识进化的三个基本要素
4. 知识进化的特点

第八章 科学选择与知识进化
1. 选择是知识进化的唯一机制
2. 科学知识的选择是必然的
3. 知识选择对知识自身进化的意义
4. 知识选择的第一性的标准和第二性的标准
A. 选择的第一性标准
B. 选择的第二性标准
C. 第一性的标准和第二性的标准相辅相成
5. 知识选择与认识选择性

第九章 知识进化与真理度的提高
1. 真理度是真理的量的规定性
2. 主题性命题的真理度
3. 支撑性命题的真理度
4. 真理与知识的关系

第十章 进化认识论实现了"真正的哥白尼革命"吗?(代结束语)
1. 哲学问题是否可以有科学解答
2. 进化认识论的跨学科性质
3. 人类中心主义与"真正的哥白尼革命"
4. 重视进化认识论,科学地坚持和发展马克思主义认识论


Introductory Words Professor Jin Shunyao
Abstract (in Chinese)
Abstract (in English)

Chapter I Preface: Evolutionary Explanations of Epistemic Capacities and Objective Knowledge
--An Overview about the Main Viewpoints of EE

Chapter II The Origin and Development of Evolutionary Epistemology
1. Questions Raised by Kant
2. A Trial Answer to Kant's Question Provided by Biological Evolutionary Epistemology
3. Generative Explanation of Cognitive Capacities Provided by Psychological Evolutionary Epistemology
4. The Origin of Systematic Evolutionary Epistemology
5. Late Attention from Chinese Philosophers

Chapter III Hypothetical Realism and Materialist Monism
1. The Nature of Knowledge (Cognition)
A. What is Knowledge?
B. Three Types of Knowledge
C. The Influences of Subject on Knowledge
2. Hypothesis of Reality: One of the Most Important Postulates in Cognitive Processes
A. Postulates about Object
B. Postulates about Subject
C. Postulates about Knowledge
D. The Postulate of Reality Is Essential
3. Evidence for the Hypothesis of Reality
4. Hypothetical Realism in the Eye of Materialist Monism

Chapter IV The Natural and Social-Cultural Evolution of Human Cognitive Capacities (I)
--A New Theory Made by Evolutionary Epistemology
1. Human Cognitive Capacities: The Result of General Evolution
2. Human Cognitive Structure: The Newest Level of Evolution
3. The Fitness between Cognitive Structure and Objective Structure
4. Ratiomorphic Apparatus and 'Innate Ideas'
5. Interactions of Biological and Social-Cultural Evolutions of Human Cognitive Abilities
6. An Evolutionary Model of Individual Cognitive Structures

Chapter V The Natural and Social-Cultural Evolution of Human Cognitive Capacities (II)
--The Ideas Suggested by Philosophers in the Western History
1. The Ideas of Ancient Greek Philosophers
2. The Views of Empiricists
3. The View-points of Rationalists
4. Kant's Priori
5. Hegel's Embryology of Mind
6. Studies of Contemporary Philosophers

Chapter VI The Natural and Social-Cultural Evolution of Human Cognitive Capacities (III)
--The Theory of Marxist Epistemology
1. Human Cognitive Capacities: the Product of Nature
2. Marxist Epistemology and Evolutionary Epistemology: Different Styles of Statements
3. Social Practice: the Basis of the Evolution of Cognitive Capacities
4. The Concepts of Marxist 'Object' and Mesocosmos of Evolutionary Epistemology

Chapter VII From General Evolution to Evolutionary Knowledge
1. Objective Knowledge on the Chain of General Evolution
2. The Evolution of Objective Knowledge
3. Three Elements of Evolutionary Knowledge
4. The Law of Evolutionary Knowledge

Chapter VIII Scientific Selection and Evolutionary Knowledge
1. Selection: the Biggest Pressure on Evolutionary Knowledge
2. The Necessity of Scientific Selection
3. The Influence of Scientific Selection on Evolutionary Knowledge
4. The Primary and Secondary Standards of Selection
A. The Primary Standards
B. The Secondary Standards
C. The Interactions of Primary and Secondary Standards
5. Scientific Selection and Cognitive Selection

Chapter IX Knowledge Evolution and Development of the Degree of Truth
1. The degree of Truth Marks the Quantitative Characteristics of Truth
2. The degree of Truth in Main Propositions
3. The degree of Truth in Supporting Propositions
4. The Relationship between Truth and Knowledge

Chapter X Is EE a Real Copernican Revolution? (as Conclusions)
1. Does a Philosophical Question Have Scientific Answer?
2. The Interdisciplinary Foundation of Evolutionary Epistemology
3. Human Centralism and the Real Copernican Revolution
4. Taking Evolutionary Epistemology Seriously Is Essential to Stand on and Develop Marxist Epistemology

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