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Critical Thinking Indicators
时间:2009/11/20 23:01:06,点击:0

Critical thinking (CT) --- the ability to focus your thinking to get the results you need --- is most important factor that decides whether you succeed or fail. Yet, many nurses haven no clue what critical thinking entails. The Critical Thinking Indicators (CTIs) on pages 7 and 8 are addressed in Critical Thinking & Clinical Judgment in Nursing: A Practical Approach to Outcome-focused Thinking, 4th Ed, and Applying Nursing Process: A Tool for Critical Thinking, 7th Ed. CTIs describe behaviors that demonstrate the knowledge, characteristics, and skills that promote critical thinking in clinical practice. They give you concrete examples of what you need to observe and do to assess and improve thinking---thereby giving a frame of reference to help get everyone “on the same page” and “fast forwarding” to developing the thinking skills needed today. This document: .1 Describes what critical thinking and clinical judgment entails, .2 Explains the 4-Circle CT Model .3 Defines the term CTI, outlining how the CTIs were developed, and 4 Lists the CTIs in detail . Feedback and questions are welcomed! www.AlfaroTeachSmart.com


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