1) Herbert P. Ginsburg. (1997). Entering the child's mind : the clinical interview in psychological research and practice, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2) Duveen, G. (2000). Piaget Ethnographer. Social Science Information, 39, 79-97. 3) Smith, L. (1992) Judgements and Justifications: Criteria for the attribution of children's knowledge in Piagetian research. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 10, 1-23. 4) Wood, D. (1988) How Children Think and Learn. Oxford: Blackwell. 5) in French: - Vinh-Bang (1966). Le m¨¦thode clinique et la recherche en psychologie de l'enfant. In Psychologie et ¨¦pist¨¦mologie g¨¦n¨¦tique: th¨¨mes piag¨¦tiens. Paris: Dunod. 6) in French, the introduction of: - Inhelder, B., Sinclair, H., & Bovet, M. (1974). Apprentissage et structures de la connaissance. Paris: P.U.F. 7) in English (especially pp. 15-21): - Voyat, G.E. (1982). Piaget systematized. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum. |