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Research interests of Prof. HE Yunfeng
时间:2008/8/20 16:12:05,点击:0


1. Philosophy: Epistemology, Knowledge Theory, Axiology

Initiated some original ideas in the topics, such as, simplicity of knowledge, effective thinking, evolutionary epistemology, knowledge sciences and axiological sciences. More than sixty articles, two monographs, five book chapters, three co-authored monographs have been published related to these topics, among which two monographs were sponsored by Shanghai Publication Foundations in Philosophy and Social Sciences.

2. Education and Psychology: Philosophy of Psychology, Social Psychology, Learning Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Higher Education and University Student Development.

Contributed some comprehensive works on the applications of critical thinking and higher order thinking in education, thinking styles, social relationships and peer groups of children, human development of university students. A co-authored article was published in the very famous international journal Child Development. One book was co-edited, which is named Research Studies in Education (Vol. 1, 2003). International cooperation with Canadian and Hong Kong researchers in the area of child development has lasted more than five years.

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