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258 Majors in more than 60 Chinese Universities F
时间:2013/5/5 9:38:58,点击:0

258 Majors in more than 60 Chinese Universities Failed to Get Approval
教育部公布专业设置审批结果 258个专业不得招生

According to the announcement released by the Ministry of Education recently, a total of 258 majors in more than 60 Chinese colleges and universities which applied for authorization to enroll students were refused by the government. These majors include golf industry management, global health studies, network security and law enforcement, nursing of senior people, and so on. At the same time, the ministry also announced certain new majors which were approved, such as education and rehabilitation studies at East China Normal University, Amharic and Kyrgyz at the Beijing Foreign Studies University, traditional medicine of the Dai ethnicity at the Yunnan Traditional Chinese Medicine College, and ceramic design at the Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute.

Source: http://www.jyb.cn/high/gdjyxw/201304/t20130404_533161.html

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