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Say No to Trick Terms in University’s Admission Re
时间:2013/5/1 0:18:20,点击:0

Say No to Trick Terms in University’s Admission Regulations 对招生章程忽悠条款说“不”

All universities are required to upload their admission regulations to the "Yangguang Gaokao" website by April 1st, and provincial educational authorities are to review and put on record admission regulations made by universities within their territory by April 10th. Students and parents have to read these admission regulations carefully when making decisions about college applications.

Unfortunately, some universities deliberately use certain trick terms in their admission regulations so that they could have more discretion to admit student applicants. Various trick terms could be found in the following forms: 1) When students select a university as their second choice, the university usually sets higher criteria to admit them. Some universities do not specify how much the admission criteria will be raised for these students. 2) Some universities recognize bonus points in receiving students’ applications from provincial educational authorities, but do not clarify whether or not they actually use bonus points when they finally admit students. 3) Some universities set extra requirements on students’ gaokao score in a particular subject if they apply to study a certain major, yet the extra requirements are not specified in detail by all these universities. 4) After receiving students’ applications from provincial educational authorities, universities could employ at least 15 different types of procedures in finally admitting students into each major (in certain cases higher gaokao score not necessarily indicates higher chances of admission), but some universities provide no clue as to the exact procedure they follow. When making decisions about college applications, students and parents are advised either to avoid applying to universities with trick terms in their admission regulations, or to consult university admission officers who know exactly how the admission system operates in that university.

Source: http://www.jyb.cn/basc/sd/201303/t20130325_531979.html

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