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English English
Description of K+V-Funding
时间:2013/1/13 23:33:05,点击:0


There are about 40% percent students at SHNU who were born in minority and rural areas. Before they are enrolled to SHNU, they do not have any experiences with cultural diversity. The K+V-funding (Knowledge and Value Funding) is targeted to help these students with more oppotunities in experiencing international and urban cultures. More specific plans include at least one trip for each of such students to approach Shanghai urban cultural life, monthly gathering with international students on the campus, and monthly meeting with international traders and visitors in Shanghai. The funding would also support a limited number of students (at least 100 a year is expected) to visit or/and come from foreign universities over the world. All those plans will be put into action if the K+V-funding is running well. We definitely believe that cultural diversity would facilitate university student development very much. However, our action needs your help or will not reach the aim.

Mission Statement 

To promote the development of university students born in manority and rural areas with cultural exachanges and diversities both at and out of university campus.

Organisation website


Xperedon site


Charity Keywords

Cultural exchanges; cultural diveristy; university campus; university student development

Running Schema

The K+V-funding will run as a sub-foundation of SHNU Education Foundation. That is, all donations will be received by SHNU Education Foundation. K+V-funding planners will have to apply for supports from SHNU Education Foundation when they put their proposals into action.

Donors --> giving --> SHNU Education Foundation --> evaluating K+V-funding proposals --> K+V-funding actions

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