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One-year position for teaching developmental psych
时间:2013/5/25 20:46:11,点击:0


Position: Visiting Assistant Professor in Educational Psychology in the Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Research (pending Provost approval)

Qualifications: An earned doctorate in Educational Psychology or closely related terminal degree and teaching experience in Educational or Developmental Psychology courses. Applicants will be expected to demonstrate a commitment of excellence in teaching at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.

Responsibilities: This candidate will be appointed as a one-year visiting faculty member in the department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Research and will be expected to teach graduate and undergraduate courses for the department. Specific teaching responsibilities may include graduate courses in adolescence, adulthood, aging and moral development, and undergraduate courses in Educational Psychology.

Setting: The University of Memphis, a Tennessee Board of Regents institution, is recognized by the Carnegie Foundation as one of two public research universities and the only community engaged public university in Tennessee. It has six colleges and three professional schools serving a diverse population of nearly 21,000 students, 5,000 of whom are enrolled in graduate programs. The University is strongly committed to its urban mission and outreach programs, and recognizes the diverse and integrated role played by faculty and administration in fulfilling a comprehensive mission of research, education, and community outreach. The College of Education, with a faculty of 110 tenure-track positions, is fully accredited by NCATE. The Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Research, one of four departments in the college, offers courses to support undergraduate and graduate programs in the College of Education, and offers both master’s and doctoral degrees in Educational Psychology and Research and in Counseling and a doctorate in Counseling Psychology. The Counseling Psychology program is APA accredited and the Counseling program is CACREP accredited. For additional information please see the websites of the university (http://www.memphis.edu), the college (http://www.memphis.edu/coe/), and the department (http://www.memphis.edu/cepr/). The position advertised here is only for Educational Psychology program with a focus on teaching developmental courses.

Application: Review of applications will begin June 7, 2013 and may continue until the position is filled. Employment is anticipated to begin August 20, 2013. The department welcomes a diverse set of applicants. Applications are to be submitted electronically at https://workforum.memphis.edu. Applicants are required to upload (1) a detailed a letter of application describing their teaching, and research interests, (2) a curriculum vita, and (3) names, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses of four references. Applicants will receive a confirmation number when all application materials are received.

Address inquiries to Dr. Strohmer at dstrohmr@memphis.edu or 901-678-2841

Search Committee:

Christian Mueller, Chair
Yeh Hsueh
Denise Winsor
Vicki Murrell

Advertising Plan:

CEHHS Jobs Website
The Chronicle of Higher Education
APA Division 15 Website

Short ad:
Visiting Assistant Professor in Educational Psychology, University of Memphis. Doctorate in Educational Psychology or related terminal degree is required. Desired are university teaching experience in developmental courses at graduate and undergraduate levels. Details available at http://www.memphis.edu/coe/about/jobs.htm and https://workforum.memphis.edu, the electronic application site. Equal opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer


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