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招聘:Visiting Assistant Professor in Developmental P
时间:2013/5/5 22:46:31,点击:0

Visiting Assistant Professor in Developmental Psychology at Clark University

The Department of Psychology at Clark University invites applications for a one-year visiting faculty position at the assistant professor level. The position might be extended to a second year. Clark University is also likely to conduct a search for a tenure-line position in developmental psychology starting in Fall 2015.

The specialty within developmental is open, but candidates with a strong background in cultural psychology are especially welcome. Applicants should have the ability and interest to teach 5 of the following courses: developmental psychology (one or two semesters), an intro-level cultural course, a capstone seminar in developmental psychology (on topics of the candidate’s choice), undergraduate statistics (one or two semesters), an undergraduate research course (on topics of the candidate’s choice), and a graduate course in advanced quantitative methods. Our visitor will also advise a small group of undergraduate students and may offer a small graduate reading course in developmental psychology as part of training developmental graduate students. The Psychology Department has Ph.D. programs in Social, Clinical, and Developmental Psychology. We value interdisciplinary approaches research and training. Clark University offers the advantages of both a distinguished research university and a small liberal arts college (see http://www.clarku.edu/~psydept). The Department of Psychology is committed to the goal of promoting diversity in academia and welcomes candidates whose interest and skills contribute to this goal.

Please submit a letter detailing current research and teaching interests, a vita, representative reprints or preprints of publications, and contact information for three individuals who will provide letters of recommendation. All materials should be submitted to the Chair of Psychology, Marianne Wiser, at mwiser@clarku.edu. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled (subject to final budgetary approval). Clark University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and educator. Minorities, women and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.

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