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招聘:associate or full professor wanted by The Pennsylvania State University
时间:2011/10/13 11:40:58,点击:0

Position Announcement
The Pennsylvania State University
Brandywine Campus


Position Title:  36-week faculty position in Psychology at the associate or full professor rank with tenure.


Starting Date:  August 2012, or as negotiated.

Responsibilities:  Teach undergraduate courses in baccalaureate degree program in psychology at both the lower and upper division levels using traditional and hybrid delivery modes. Other responsibilities include publishing in refereed journals, participating in professional organizations and in course, curriculum, and program development, advising students and providing career guidance, and participating in campus, university, and community service activities.   

Exemplary candidates with appropriate leadership experience who qualify for an appointment at the rank of associate or full professor with tenure will be considered for appointment as the Program Coordinator for the psychology degree program. This position includes oversight of curricular development and innovation, faculty and staff hiring, budget management, mentoring junior faculty, grant writing, facilities planning on campus, and working collaboratively with Psychology Program Coordinators at other Penn State campuses as needed. Teaching schedule will be adjusted based on the administrative responsibilities assigned (anticipated to be a one to two course reduction each year of the standard 3 courses/semester teaching assignment). The initial Program Coordinator appointment will be for no more than three years, with continuation in the administrative position determined at that time.


Qualifications:  Ph.D. in Psychology. The area of specialization is open, but preference will be given to applicants whose research and teaching interests focus on health psychology with a diversity (gender, ethnicity, ability) emphasis. A record of successful management/leadership at the department level or higher is highly desirable. Candidates should possess the academic qualifications for a tenured, senior rank faculty appointment at Penn State. Commitment to high-quality instruction in a student-centered environment is expected.  Interest in active and collaborative learning, the instructional use of technology, and hybrid and online teaching is an advantage.  Prior college-level and online teaching experience preferred.  Enthusiasm for working in a multidisciplinary environment is important.


Campus Information: Penn State Brandywine shares in the University’s international reputation for excellence in teaching, research, and service. It is a small, suburban, undergraduate campus located on 90 acres on the western side of the greater Philadelphia region, and enrolls approximately 1700 students. Penn State Brandywine offers the first two years of study for most of Penn State's more than 160 degree programs. In addition students may enroll on campus in eleven baccalaureate degrees, including the B.A. and B.S. in Psychology, and three associate's degrees. For more information about the campus, visit http://www.psu.edu/ur/cmpcoll.html.   

Application: To apply submit a letter of application and curriculum vitae. Applications should be submitted as a Microsoft WORD or PDF file to ccsearch@psu.edu. Finalists will be asked to provide a list of references.

Inquiries: Dr. Paul J. deGategno Director of Academic Affairs, Penn State Brandywine. E-mail: pjd15@psu.edu. Telephone: (610-892-1411).

Closing Date: Application review begins Nov. 14, 2011 and continues until a suitable candidate is found.

Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity and the diversity of its workforce.

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