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招聘:Research Associate (post doc) in language development (M/F
时间:2010/5/9 17:35:11,点击:0

Research Associate (post doc) in language development (M/F)

Application End :  Sunday May 30 2010
The University of Luxembourg invites applications for the following vacancy in the Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education
Research Associate
within the national project “Development of English in Plurilingual settings”(M/F)
•2-year fixed term contract,part-time (20h/week) starting July 2010
•Employee status
Project outline
The project "Development of English in Plurilingual Settings" is concerned with the development of English amongst young learners in plurilingual settings. It builds and completes a corpus with regard to developmental features of the learner variety from a discourse-in-interaction perspective.
•Collecting different types (audio, video, oral, written) of data covering an array of activities in English in a plurilingual learning environment
•Managing interactional data for implementation in a data-base and a coded corpus
•Analysis of data (discourse, science, media)
•Implementation and development (theoretical and methodological concepts in line with the focus of the project)
•Relevant degree (PhD, qualified MA-level candidates are encouraged to apply) in one of the following fields, relevant to the project: language development, empirical developmental research, English as international language and/or ESL research, applied linguistics, multilingualism, study of child language or usage/communication analysis, data-treatment, corpus building
•Highly motivated, internationally experienced researcher or professional in one/several of the fields concerned with a proven record as regards the integration, set-up and/or management of data-driven scientific projects.
•Experience with data-bases, corpus design and/or implementation and/or (early) schooling institutions an asset.
•Substantial, theoretically grounded methodological skills as regards the (analytical/technical) handling of developmental/interactional data are required, prior experiences in collecting and integrating situated data into corpora-/data-treatment-systems are an asset.
•Experiences in working with development (language/s, resources, socio-cognitive dimensions, activity dimensions) in a specific domain or a specific age group represent an advantage.
•As the candidate/s will be working with different types of data covering an array of languages and modalities, she/he has excellent command of at least two of the following languages: English (and its varieties), German and/or French (written and spoken), Luxembourgish and/or a further language an asset.
•Excellent self-management skills, ability and willingness to engage into active team-management, intercultural, technical and interdisciplinary awareness as well as a motivation to join a challenging environment within a trilingual, international and young University are prerequisites for the positions open within this project.
For further information please contact:
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Gudrun Ziegler
Phone: (+352) 46 66 44 9363
Mail: gudrun.ziegler
Candidates should submit the following documents:
• letter of motivation, stating the link of previous work/interests with the position and the project
• curriculum vitae
• record of publications and projects (if applicable)
• copies of diploma(s)
• two references (relevant to the position)
by sending applications until May 30th, 2010 - to:
University of Luxembourg
UR LCMI - Mme Marianne Graffé
Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education
Campus Walferdange B.P. 2
L-7201 Luxembourg-Walferdange

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